(Course, it's a joke, really. They diagnosed me with diabetes three years ago and only passed on the news this year. So I should have been on the treatment back then. Well, I suppose three years late is better than never.)
Now they say I can come off the pills because the level is right. I hope it's the right decision. Happily, I feel it is. Half the time it feels as if they wouldn't care whether we live and whether we live feeling healthy or not. Course when you are trapped in this weird unjust system, you have to accept that those in authority - medical and uniformed - mean well.
And then I say to myself, 'Come on, Roge. If they meant well, why would they keep you locked away when they must know that you are no murderer?'
I had a really pleasant visit today from three wonderful friends, Lyn, and Ann, and James, a great brother. I don't mean to be unkind to my fellow wretches, bless em', but it is so good to talk to and share the company and gaze upon the faces of other humans. The lovely Lynn, by the by, is partner to James.
For one trapped in this hell, it is wonderful to be visited by those fortunate enough not to have to bear this particular cruelty of the whips and scorn of time, as Hamlet puts it.
If truth be sold, as I now know at enormous cost to my life as a man, we are all vulnerable because of the immense flaws in the adversarial system of Britain's so-called justice.
James's speaks out against Roger's trial
- Roger Gordon